I know about all of the stuff.

The smoothies, the sprouting, the fermenting, the bone broth, the meditating, the exercise, the journaling…

Do I do all of the stuff all of the time?


I’m learning about gentleness and choosing to do what feels light.

So, I’m not making my own ferments right now. I can purchase delicious, readymade ones until the urge strikes to make some of my own.

I’m not into green smoothies these days. I’ve been trying to incorporate more leafy greens into my meals, which just feels easier right now.

My daily meditation has been out the window for a few months. I’ve replaced it by a conscious nature walk around my pasture…


I know that I WILL do the things again. These are all important tools in my tool belt.

If I start berating and ‘shoulding’ myself to do it all perfectly, (I should meditate, I should get back into making daily smoothies…) it just builds up a bunch of resistance, I get overwhelmed and I shut down.

I can’t – and don’t want to – do it all.


What do you berate yourself about most?


What if you let up on the ‘shoulding’ for a week?

My experience is that when I honor myself, the good habits come back much sooner without the push-back.

Life is about ebb and flow.


What do you really need right now?


Is it rest? Maybe the gym can wait until you’ve recharged.

Is it more play? Maybe it isn’t the right time to tackle that big serious project.

Is it more introspection, more time alone, more self acceptance, less outside noise…?

If it feels light – it’s right.

If it feels heavy or hard, it’s likely not the right time – even if the thing makes sense on a cognitive level.


Any sustainable, healthy weight loss program will involve working with the flow and tuning in to what you really need right now.

Weight loss and healthy weight maintenance isn’t about doing it all or doing things perfectly.

It’s about showing yourself some grace and self-kindness and going with the flow.


